I began thinking of starting this website during the second year of the pandemic. I have added the Blog to communicate my thoughts and promote the online adventure that is called Jescuz.
Here is my purpose. Share what I know with anyone that would like to know what I know. Because wouldn't it be good if the world knew what I know? I think so. Along the way serve my family and future employees by offering great products at great prices.
This begins a new chapter in my life. I feel like this is good and is coming pretty easy. I will be sharing more about myself in the coming days and about JESCUZ.com,
My background is Church, Nursing, and Psychology. I have been a disciple of Christ since I was 19, good and bad. I worked in nursing and went almost through an RN program, I have a bachelorette in Psychology. I am a wife, mother, daughter, and entrepreneur, I am above all a child of God. I am Jesica.
I have studied psychology as I said but my perspective is one of a Christian. Many would have given up as I almost did. But for God, I would have been crushed, I would have quit. Of course, I will be sharing my testimony along the way because it has proven to be most helpful for others that are struggling. I will try and stay in the flow of the spirit and not actually make any pinpointed plan for this blog. This will be the plan, I have no plan but to try and get in the flow, to write and share and see what happens.
Please come along this is going to be fun. Please join the mailing list on either the blog or the webstore Jescuzshop.com. I will be sending out reminders of the new blogs and newsletters to the Jescuz adventure.